Thursday, April 21, 2011

What does the Bible really say?

"For the Bible Tells Me So", is an excellent documentary that looks at what the Bible really says about homosexuality, taken in the context of the culture and the times in which those things were written. Those who quote scripture as justification for denying full equality to sexual minorities, "cherry pick" and often ignore other biblical admonitions that they find "inconvenient". Every now and then I get the e-mail that has been circulating for years asking how much would be a fair price to sell my daughter into slavery, something that is sanctioned in the Bible, but would obviously be unheard of for most American Jews and Christians. Popular culture has also taken this on. In this clip from The West Wing, also featured in the documentary, Martin Sheen takes on a radio talk show host who seems to resemble Dr. Laura Schlessinger. This is how I would like to see my president respond to those who use the Bible to deny me my rights as an American citizen. Maybe one day I'll see it.
Until then, I'll watch this clip again and again and dream.

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